Qr code scanner - robot operation


I was trying to minimize the need to use the operator panel. I wanted to save the commands listed below as QRcode.

restart safety
power on
brake release
load TEST.urp

There is a problem, because the robot executes only the first command. Is there any option for a time delay between commands? Is there any other option to solve this problem?

Hi @mlazorczyk ,

I assume that you run theses commands through dashboard sever interface.

For these commands you list, there is return values for each of them.

Perhaps, you need to send command and wait until the the return values and then send the new following command to avoid the problem you faced.


Hi @sya

Yes, I run theses commands through dashboard sever interface.

Am I able to write in Qr code an expectation for a feedback message?

“Perhaps, you need to send command and wait until the the return values and then send the new following command to avoid the problem you faced.”- This solution will result in using several codes to run applications. I want it to be one code. I am wondering how to do this.


Hi @mlazorczyk,

As I know, each command for the dashboard server need to be added the newline character in the end which is “\n”.

Did you add it when sending each of the commands?

I am wondering what device will handle the receiving and then sending of these commands when the QR code is scanned?

For example, when the QR code is scanned, which device will get these commands and which device will send these commands to the dashboard sever?


Yes, there is an option to add a time delay between commands. You can do this by adding a ““Wait”” command in between each of the commands you want the robot to execute. This will give the robot time to process and complete the previous command before moving on to the next one.
Another option you can consider is to combine all the commands into one QR code using a scripting language like Python. This will allow you to customize the sequence of commands and the time delay between them, giving you more control over the robot’s operation. Also, you might try to use Smart Engines for more efficient scanning.