Connecting Keyence EZ-18T Proximity Sensor to UR5

Hi All,

Is it possible to connect a Keyence EZ-18T NPN proximity sensor to the control panel? The 4 wires are:
Red: +12~24 V
Black: 0V
White: NPN N.O
Brown: NPN N.C

Can i disregard the brown (N.C) as I want to use it normally open?


It’s not possible to directly connect an NPN Sensor to the control the Robot is PNP.

You can however use the sensor to drive / switch a relay and the use the 24v from the robot through the NO contact and back to your desired input.

Red of the sensor to the 24V of the Robot
Black of the sensor to the 0V of the Robot
Connect 24V of the Robot to the A1 of the Relay
Connect the White of the sensor to A2 of the Relay
Connect 24V of the Robot to one side of a NO Contact of the Relay
Connect your Robot Input to the other side on the NO Contact of the Relay

In future make sure you use PNP Sensors and you can wire them diretly into the Robot.

Hope this helps.