Changing TCP After Positions are already taught

I just finished validating a rather long program and just now realize that all my points where taught with the TCP as X0 Y127 Z0 RX0 RY0 RZ0 but I realize it should have been X0 Y0 Z127 RX0 RY0 RZ0 . I tried shifting it and now every position is off. Is there any way to shift all positions by this amount?
I’d like for this to be correct but I don’t want to go through reteaching everything and validating the rather long palletizing routine again.


There isn’t, as far as I know. And it’s a very tedious process to reteach everything, yeah.

What I do is to have two TCPs - the old and the new correct one. Then with the old TCP active, you move to a waypoint. Then change the TCP in the Move to the new TCP and reteach the waypoint without moving. And then repeat for aaaall your positions. :slight_smile: Tedious.
This way you will have the right position as before.

Yes you can. If you use the pose diff function for one pint then add this to all the other points in the program.