CB2 Motherboard needed!


I am a media artist from Germany and I work a lot with technology.
I got a UR5 CB2 a while ago for little money and want to work now with the robot together with a dance company to create a theatre piece.

Unfortunately the motherboard display output fails from time to time thus I cannot work properly with the robot. The official repair would be way to expansive for me.

Thats why I am asking if someone has an old motherboard to sell for me? Especially if it was replaced due to empty BIOS battery.
The board is not useless, BIOS can be restored.

I hope someone can help me out, as the CB2 is not longer supported by the official support.



Did your problem solve.
Download the manual from this link
UR5 not Booting: 2. Digital Input, No Cable - Technical Questions - Universal Robots Forum (universal-robots.com)

Hey, we have some CB2 Motherboards. If You still searching, let us know.
Matěj Liederhaus


Yes please contact me via this E-Mail:


Thank you!

I am in need of a CB2 motherboard as well. I am in Monterrey. Please let me know if you still have one. Thanks!

Hello Sam,

You can use a CB3 motherboard for CB2. You’ll have to flash a new PolyScope to the USB drive and transfer programs and calibration files from the CF memory card.
Your local distributor should be able to help you. :slight_smile:

Hi efn,

Did you manage this? I have attempted upgrading our original CB2 motherboard with a fresh CB3.1 motherboard but having a fault C201A1: Setup of safety control board failed when trying to power up/initialise the arm

Yes, I’ve done it many, many times. :slight_smile: It sounds like you’re using PolyScope 3.X for your CB2 robot. You will need to flash PolyScope 1.8 to the USB memory.

Thank you - yes this is likely the case!

I did manage to get the old motherboard working again following a “Fix CB2/2.0 - controller that won’t turn on” guide where you replace the 3v battery with a new one and short a couple of pins to get it to boot. It says its a permanent fix but seems once powered down, even with a fresh battery in there is needs the pins shorted and BIOS settings restored