Can't access to console

Hello everyone,

I’m need to find MAC address of UR10e. I’ve read that I need to find it from console, but the problem is that I can’t enter the console. I tried all the ways I found on forum: ctrl+alt+F1, ctrl+alt+F7, ctrl+alt+f9. I tried them both ways, while booting and robot is on. CTRL+ALT+F7 and CTRL+ALT+F9 takes me out from polyscope, but after some seconds robot goes back to polyscope again.
Do you have any idea what can cause my problem?


I don’t know how to access the terminal on the e-series - Google says CTRL+ALT+T for Linux? The robot must be booted completely.

However, if you connect your computer to the same LAN as the robot, you will be able to use the command “arp -a” with the terminal (cmd) in Windows. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your support. I found it.
I connected robot and pc to the same router and called “arp -a” from cmd. It worked perfectly.