C281A3:6 Robot State Machine: 3 joint entered Fault State

Hi there!
We are using a UR 10e and were testing basic movements and functionality. The robot was turned off for an hour after use, then when starting up again, a series of faults occurred and cannot get past the brake release and power on stage. There was no change of use between the time of working to when it stopped.

It seems that joint 3 is possibly the problem - however there are many developer messages about filesystem crashes, motor encoder errors, etc. Do you think this is primarily a hardware issue of replacing joint 3? Or is there a way to resolve without replacing hardware?

Things already tried:
Upgrading/reinstalling polyscope, swapping the entire control box to another test box we have, rebooting, took joint caps off to inspect and everything seems normal.

Hi there,

If you create a case in MyUR and post the support file, we can have a look and let you know what next steps to take. on initial look I would suggest trying a different robot cable as well. you can also unplug the 2 power wires from joint 3 and re-seat them to make sure good connection.
here is the link to MyUR. https://myur.universal-robots.com/

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