Best practice to create multiple programs - with minor changes

I am running into issues creating multiple programs with minor changes to waypoints. The application I am automating is forming/bending of parts on an electronic press brake.

The main program has two subprograms - Path to form the part & Safe route back to home position (upon stop/ emergency stop)

When I copy the main program and the subprogram files to create a new program for a different part (different waypoint positions) UR asks me to rename variables, this adds in too much work to create a program with minor changes. If I do not change the variables, the program sometimes uses the waypoints from the original program.

My question is to find out what is the best practice to create new programs that can be easily modified (waypoints changes, additional features addition etc.)

If you have a base program with the general framework you can open the program and just ‘Save As’ and rename it and create the modifications in that program.

Id recommend creating several programs you can just load versus trying to add several subprograms, I havent really seen someone easily accomplish this in Polyscope. Maybe try adding features so waypoints are tethered to only one position that you have to configure, this might be a different option.

Anyways hope this helps and best of luck!

We typically use a single program and reassign variable values by querying the user for part dimensions and other info. Waypoints are recalculated as necessary within the program or scripts.
Most of our applications are gaging, where we have a pretty wide range of part sizes & configurations.
If you rally need separate programs, you may want to have unique installation files for each program.