I’m having a problem that I do not think is on my end. I am reprogramming our UV, only adding small things such as waypoints, waits, etc… Now when I ran it automatically it went through all of which I had changed and had previously correctly. However, when I go through step by step it seems like the UV has some brainfart as to where I set a certain waypoint, and it, for example, went through the last few motions correctly, however it was a foot higher than what I set it to. Any suggestions?
Model: UR5
Are you starting from the beginning when you’re stepping through? Typically when I see the robot perform the correct movements but “off by some amount in some dimension” it’s because there’s a Set TCP command somewhere in the program that you’re skipping over when starting from somewhere else. If your moves are set to use “Active TCP” this can screw you over when you don’t execute the line of code responsible for setting the TCP
I could have missed something like that but that thought never came to mind since it would happen at random waypoints that have already been set. For example, let’s say I set 6 waypoints with coding in between for other necessities. Sometimes, however, I will adjust a waypoint and it’ll throw a random other waypoint off. When it is adjusted back to the correct way for those 6 waypoints I’ll add or adjust another set of waypoints and again when those are already set as to how I wanted them they again make a move I did not want them to make.
Did you copy paste any waypoints during initial programming by chance? If so, they will automatically be linked, meaning any positional changes made to one waypoint will affect the others. If this change was made with a different TCP than the other waypoint, it gets jacked up even further.
If this little chain link is blue, that means they are linked. I would strongly advise you step through your program and change all your moves from “Use Active TCP” to using their respective TCPs. This may sound tedious but helps prevent weird issues like this that may be resulting from the TCP change. I’m saying this from experience after spending like 8 hours banging my head against the wall until I finally realized it was a mismatched TCP that was giving me grief