Adding an end effector to ur10e in RViz

How do i mount a welding torch on your robot in Rviz. Id like to to include the welding torch and then ensuring Rviz displays this updated model correctly. I have the STL file with me, I want to add it at the robot tool center point. Please help me. I am using this comman to run the rviz

ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_type:=ur10e launch_rviz:=true

I couldnt find the ur description file or urdf files to edit the links and joints.

Hello sir, i am currently having a mild error in rviz simulation where the whole UR10 manipulator is visible except the end effector gripper part. Please let me know the reason behind it as i tried very hard to settle it but unable to do so. I will be very thankful to them who will guide me and come up with the solution.