Add waypoint outside of Move

Hi everyone,

I have implemented my own costum move and I created an urcap to use it on my robot.

Within the function MyCostumMove (urscript) I already use a move to the waypoint I would like to set, and I don’t want to call another move outside of it.

I would like to use the standard waypoint to set the target point of my costum move, howewer if I try to add it programatically to the program root the waypoint node insn’t rendered in the Program Tree.

It seems that the waypoint is only rendered if it have a move node as parent, how can I use the default waypoint without creating a move?

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I’m not sur but if I remember it’s not possible to add the default waypoint but if you create your own waypoint it should works.

i know that 3 years have elapsed, do you have some updated about this topic?

You can’t use a polyscope waypoint node without a parent move node, as mentioned in a previous post, polyscope will ignore calls to add a waypoint if theres isnt a move node already present. You will need to code your own program node to mimic the functionality fo a waypoint node if you intend to code your own type of move node.

Thank you for your answer!

I have a question for you: my goal is to add a set of waypoints in order to save their coordinates but i do not want to move across them (i know that it sounds a bit tricky but i have coded a proper urcap that will do the magic).

The only option that i have found up to now is to insert an IF FALSE statement and add inside a moveNode with the waypoints: by doing in this way i am able to achieve my goal.

Do you know if i have other options?

If your eventual goal is to use the positional data as part of a URCap, then you could create your own program/installation node which is used to collect and store the data, rather than having a list of waypoints inside an if(false) node, this is a lot less secure. You can use the API to collect positional data about the current TCP position etc.