So the best way is to have UR implement it into the Move Tab (duh).
The next best way is to program all the moves your program is doing into a CAP and stick it into the tool bar so you just press a button, it goes through your edge finding sequence and then stops. This is fairly easy if you have CAP experience, but a massive learning curve if you don’t.
The third best might not be terrible in your case. You have your driver program already written which does your seeking pattern. Add this as a subprogram when you’re programming a new setup. Don’t bother with adding the call, just select the “Robot Program” line at the very top, then hit SubProg to insert it without a call.
I would honestly name it something easy like mySeek, cuz you could end up typing it a few times. Or once and copy paste. Anyway, once you have the subprogram inserted, load your existing program that you’ve been using into it. Now anywhere in polyscope you type mySeek() or whatever you name it as a script command, it will run this subprogram.
Now as you’re programming, you can chug along until you need to seek. Insert (or paste) a Script node, type mySeek(), select that line, and hit “Play from Selection.” Just make sure to include a Halt command at the end of your subprogram so it doesn’t keep going.
If Polyscope tries to force you to Move To a Waypoint before starting, then go back to the top, click Robot Program and select “Add Before Start.” At the very top, insert a Move, switch the Waypoint to “Relative” and then just teach the same point as the To and From. It won’t actually go anywhere, but now it will just autostart from wherever. Useful for using your seek program.
In the meantime, if you want to DM me your exact use case I could try to put it into a CAP (since I can’t modify the Move screen.) For example do you always find the bottom left corner, or does it need to be user selectable to some capacity. I guess I could just make 6 buttons and each one you tap goes Until Contact in that direction… Might be simplest.