8 pin relay wiring with control box

Hey everyone,
I was wondering How can I connect 8 pin relay to Ur10 control box?

thank you.

It depends on what you want it to do.

is it a safety relay?
or for switching from an output?
or is it switching from an external source to turn inputs on and off in the robot?

can you add a photo of the relay in question and a description of what you want to achieve.

it’s for switching from an output

Ignore the notes on the picture, I took the it from another thread.

That relay type normally uses a base in industrial applications, so mount your relay base, plug in the relay. then wire the DO# to the + Coil pin (A1), and bring a 0V connection to the - Coil pin (A2),

I have tried that way but the DO is not giving any signal or voltage also When I connected to 12V plug from the remote section it worked but I can’t control it.

mricchino is correct the Relay should be plugged into a relay base like the pic below

you will need to find the one that matches yous manufacturer.
Your relay needs to be a 24v coil not 12v.

add the links between PWR to 24V and GND to 0V this will provide your outputs with the voltage to drive the coil.
the wire the external device you want to switch to one of the NO (normally open contacts on the relay.

when the output is turned on the coil will energise and close the contact.