I am new to UR Cobot. I have to mount a camera on the Cobot to perform inspection of four different angles of a part, What is the proper code to take a picture of a part everytime that i have a new waypoint? Do I insert the following instructions after each waypoint?:
camera = rpc_factory(“xmlrpc”, “”)
if (! camera.initialize(“RGB”)):
popup(“Camera was not initialized”)
target = camera.getTarget()
Your help is greatly appreciated.
There is an article from UR regarding a simple vision from UR articles and i modified the program to trigger a camera, since i do not have a picking application, is this the correct method to trigger the camera?
Move(J or L)
camera = rpc_factory(“xmlrpc”, “”)
if (! camera.initialize(“RGB”)):
popup(“Camera was not initialized”)
refrence point
GetCameraData Folder
'#Read Data from Cognex Camera
x:=coordenate x from camera
y:= coordenate y from camera
rz:=coordenate z from camera
Calculate folder
'# Conversion mm to m and deg to rad
offset:=p[(x/1000), (y/1000), 0 , 0, 0, d2r(rz)]
target=pose_trans(refrence_point, offset)
Move (J or L)
target = camera.getTarget()
I think that I would have to repeat the sequence for every point that I want to take a snapshot.
Is my assumption correct? What happen to the waypoints? are those points replaced by the coordinates x,y, rz?
Thanks to Daniel271 posting in a different conversation and also some postings from matthewd92 I was able to modify the program once more. I am entering this comment to track the changes of the original program and to help others as we find the correct answer for our application: one camera, inspection, VIDI or insight, 4 positions around a piece of hardware. the challenge is that we do not have a pick in place, but inspection all around a part. The program that we will try as follows:
Init Variables
conn≔ False
Loop conn≟ False
Robot Program
Socket send_byte(15,“socket0”)
Wait: 0.2
Move(J or L)
camera = rpc_factory(“xmlrpc”, “”)
if (! camera.initialize(“RGB”)):
popup(“Camera was not initialized”)
refrence point
GetCameraData Folder
'#Read Data from Cognex Camera
x:=coordenate x from camera
y:= coordenate y from camera
rz:=coordenate z from camera
Calculate folder
'# Conversion mm to m and deg to rad
offset:=p[(x/1000), (y/1000), 0 , 0, 0, d2r(rz)]
target=pose_trans(refrence_point, offset)
Move (J or L)
target = camera.getTarget()
I will add comments as we advance in our research. This program maybe duplicating the effort with two different methods? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Are there any manuals detailing the different functions that can be called for the “camera” variable in your code?