Have you set up the robot configuration in the PLC according to the PROFINET tutorial made by UR?
It can be found here (assuming you have a CB3 since you said UR3): Universal Robots - PROFInet How-To Guide CB3
When the robot is set up with the data type, it’s fairly straightforward to write to the General Purpose integer/float registers with your coordinates.
I have checked the link and the communication between the PLC and the robot, it is done correctly.
Still I have a doubt which is the following:
In the example program, the PLC sends a value to the URO registers of interest and the robot reads them by means of the sript function “read_input_integer_register(address)”
To send a point now I must send x, y, z, Rx, Ry, Rz. I understand that in the PLC I can send it through the float registers of URO, but what should I put in the script function to be able to read the 6 values of the point?