XMLRPC simples program failed with exception: Byte 0x48 is not a packet

I can’t communicate UR5e robot program with XMLRPC daemon server which runs on computer A.

Computer A:
IP address:
Here runs daemon program (XMLRPC server) from com.ur.urcap.examples.mydaemonswing example (port: 40405).

Computer B:
IP address:
On this computer client program (XMLRPC client) works fine and can communicate with Computer A with XMLRPC protocol.

IP address:
I have simple program to connect with XMLRPC server and get_title. It doesn’t work - the error message below:

OK, I have found the solution: there should be different address on rpc_factory call.

It should be:
daemon=rpc_factory(“xmlrpc”, “”)

Unfortunately in the XML-RPC communication tutorial there is a little bit different address (without “/RPC2”) and it doesn’t work :frowning:

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