XMLRPC Error - "Unknown Error: ValueStack is Full, capacity = 2048, needed Size = 2052"

Hey folks,

Has anyone encountered this error before?

Google photos link to error message

It only showed up when trying to send an array of length 3001 over xmlrpc on a 5.6 UR3e.

It does work fine in the following conditions:

  • Robot software 5.5 and below. (tested on a 5.5 machine, 5.4.2 machine, 5.5 ursim and 3 ursim)
  • when sending arrays smaller than 512 elements.(tested by setting up python 2.7 server on machine in question)

I also notice that there was some work done to XMLRPC as of RELEASE NOTES 5.6.0 - 05/12-2019

“Fixed an issue where XML-RPC call could result in controller crash”

Just wanted to update this in case anyone else runs across the same issue. Here is the latest response from UR support on the matter:

“The only immediate action that the UR team will be performing is to improve the documentation to be more clear on the array limit of XMLRPC. There is currently not a big enough business case to justify making this update as I have been told that this change would be intensive to apply.”

We’ve implemented the same functionality with sockets, and I would recommend anyone else do the same for network transfer of large arrays.

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