Wrist3 shaking when stationary or moving

I am a robot user in South Korea.

I’d like to ask about robot joint shaking.

Currently, the payload and CoG are set.
The robot is CB3.1 version UR10, and the wizard did not exist, so I entered it myself.

When the robot is stopped or stretched far, the Wrist3 joint usually shakes.

When manually entering the payload, the robot entered a value that holds the current position when the pre-drive is pressed.

The payload weighs six kilograms.

I would like to ask if this is a problem with the method I set up or if this kind of phenomenon occurs frequently.


Hello shoh,

It can be related with many things like payload, cog ,TCP, speed/acc, pose, base and even end-effector if it is longer.

It needs to check step by step.
Please check the message and contact me.

Thank you.