Where can I download URSim?

It is possible to download “URSim Starter.zip” file from ftp.universal-robots.com (User: URPlus Password: 2q6C36ZZ), but there is no URSim version 5.3.0. Is it possible to download it from somewhere?

You can download it from given link below:

Thanks for the answer :slight_smile: Unfortunately from this link I can download virtual machine image only. I want pure URSim application for Linux. It is not there, but I solved this problem other way - I have run URCaps Started Package and from there I have downloaded content of the folder /home/ur/ursim/ursim- This is what I was looking for :slight_smile:

It is.
you need to select - eSeries - Software - Offline Simulator - Linux - 5.3


Wow, thank very much :slight_smile:

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