Using Boost library

Hi I try to use the boost library in my daemon, which is included in /opt/urtool-3.0/include
but It doesn’t seem to work.

Simple example:

#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp> 
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp> 
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <fstream>

void Data::SaveTest(){
    std::vector<double> v;
        std::ofstream ofs("test.ser");
        boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);
        oa &v;

When running scons I get undefined reference everywhere on the terminal
My guess is to modify SConstruct?

My SConscript:

import os
import os.path
import socket

# debug environment
CCFLAGS_debug =  ['-g', '-O2']
CXXFLAGS_debug = ['-Wno-deprecated']
LINKFLAGS_debug = []

# release environment
CCFLAGS_release = ['-Wall', '-O2']
CXXFLAGS_release = ['-Wno-deprecated']
LINKFLAGS_release = ['-s'] # Strip symbols

# Build directories
HW_dirs = Split('''.

# Exports to SConscript-files in build directories
HW_exports = ['env']

# Construction environment
env = Environment(ENV = os.environ)

release_env = Environment(CPPDEFINES = CPPDEFINES_release,
                          CCFLAGS = CCFLAGS_release,
                          CXXFLAGS = CXXFLAGS_release,
                          LINKFLAGS = LINKFLAGS_release)

debug_env = Environment(CPPDEFINES = CPPDEFINES_debug,
                        CCFLAGS = CCFLAGS_debug,
                        CXXFLAGS = CXXFLAGS_debug,
                        LINKFLAGS = LINKFLAGS_debug)

release = ARGUMENTS.get('release', 0)    

if int(release):
    print "Release build..."
    env = release_env
    print "Debug build..."
    env = debug_env

# Find out where our toolchain lives
    urtools = os.environ['URTOOL_ROOT']
except KeyError:
    urtools = '/usr'
    print "Warning: urtool3 cross-compiler is missing. This build will most likely fail or the daemon will not run properly on the robot."

conf = Configure(env)
env['ENV']['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH']
env['ENV']['HOME'] = os.environ['HOME']

# Toolchain prefix?
    devkit_prefix = os.environ['URTOOL_TARGET']
except KeyError:
    devkit_prefix = ''

if devkit_prefix != '': 
    env.Replace(ADDR2LINE = devkit_prefix + 'addr2line') 
    env.Replace(CPP = devkit_prefix + 'cpp')
    env.Replace(GCCBUG = devkit_prefix + 'gccbug')
    env.Replace(GCOV = devkit_prefix + 'gcov')
    env.Replace(GDB = devkit_prefix + 'gdb')
    env.Replace(GDBTUI = devkit_prefix + 'gdbtui')
    env.Replace(NM = devkit_prefix + 'nm')
    env.Replace(OBJDUMP = devkit_prefix + 'objdump')
    env.Replace(RANLIB = devkit_prefix + 'ranlib')
    env.Replace(READELF = devkit_prefix + 'readelf')
    env.Replace(SIZE = devkit_prefix + 'size')
    env.Replace(STRINGS = devkit_prefix + 'strings')
    env.Replace(STRIP = devkit_prefix + 'strip')
    env.Replace(CC = devkit_prefix + 'gcc')
    env.Replace(CXX = devkit_prefix + 'g++') 
    env.Replace(AS = devkit_prefix + 'as') 
    env.Replace(AR = devkit_prefix + 'ar')
    env.Replace(LD = devkit_prefix + 'ld')  
    env.Replace(OBJCOPY = devkit_prefix + 'objcopy') 

include_path = [ urtools + '/include']
lib_path = [ urtools + '/lib']
xmlrpc_LIBS = ['xmlrpc_server_abyss++', 'xmlrpc_server_abyss', 'xmlrpc_server_pstream++', 'xmlrpc_server', 'xmlrpc_abyss', 'xmlrpc_server++', 'xmlrpc++', 'xmlrpc', 'xmlrpc_packetsocket', 'xmlrpc_xmlparse', 'xmlrpc_xmltok', 'xmlrpc_util', 'curl']
libs = [xmlrpc_LIBS]
env.Append(CPPPATH = include_path)
env.Append(LIBPATH = lib_path)
env.Append(LIBS = libs) 
env = conf.Finish()

print "Building URCap daemon"
env.SConscript(dirs = HW_dirs, exports = HW_exports)


Most parts of boost are header only. Not all though. Boost serialization is one of the libraries that requires linking. You probably only need to add -lboost_serialization to your linker flags.

Or use whatever Scons wants you to do for linking to external libraries. I’m not very familiar with Scons.