Empirically, the units appear to be meters and radians. Apparently the RoboDK authors didn’t check this empirically, so their robomath.Pose_2_UR() and robomath.UR_2_Pose() functions both assume it’s millimeters and radians.
Please update the URScript manual to mention this crucial piece of information.
Since page 3 describes pose as a datatype, I’d probably mention it there rather than in all the functions that take a pose:
“A pose is given as p[x,y,z,ax,ay,az], where x,y,z is the position of the TCP, and ax,ay,az
is the orientation of the TCP, given in axis-angle notation.”
I’d probably add something like “where x,y,z is the position of the TCP in meters, and ax,ay,az is the orientation of the TCP in radians”.