Good day master, i have UR3 robot and vision cam Mv-ce050-30uc, how can i connect them so i can use to pick and place objects?
As far as I can tell, it’s a generic camera used for custom vision setups.
In this case you will need to use a controller and software to make a vision setup yourself. Such as HALCON running on a Windows PC and then communicating coordinates to the robot.
It’s not exactly straight forward, though, if you’ve not tried it before.
when watching some videos on youtube, it seems that the camera can be connected directly to the ur robot cpu, what software should I prepare for that need and where can I get it?
or is there anyone who can help contact me directly?
Can you show me the video?
actually it can be connected directly without additional devices such as PC, we only need to make a script like sir. After the script is finished, it can be read by UR pendant with an extension that can be read by UR (in the form of .urp). Indeed, it cannot be connected directly, if it is not compatible
Well, here I have difficulty in making the script, what software do I need to provide?