Unrestricted Range for Wrist 3

I’m using cobot UR10e (2019) with PolyScope (freshly updated to v5.13).
I’m looking for an option to rotate the wrist 3 continuously.
As written in ‘Universal Robots e-Series
Software Manual’ (en-global) 5.10. ‘Joint Limits’
‘Unrestricted Range for Wrist 3’ checkbox should be located in the Installation>Safety>Joint Limits view, but I don’t have it there.
Additionally, the information (also in chapter 5.10) ‘The Wrist 3 position range is unlimited by default.’ seems to be false.
Is the option to unlock the unrestricted range of wrist 3 still available or is it not supported anymore?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Filip

I might be wrong, but as far as I have understood it, only the small UR3e has this capability.


You’re right,

based on this https://www.universal-robots.com/media/1827367/05_2023_collective_data-sheet.pdf
It is only our UR3 and UR3e that has an infinite rotation in wrist 3.
It is just a mistake in user manuals then.


I have a ur20 setup for mig welding. We run into issues with joint 3 trying to go beyond -360 when we manage our cables. If we mechanically rotate the weld gun then we go beyond + 360. Is there a method to go beyond but not infinitely?we are trying to get our gun into some tight spaces.

I can’t see any reason the MIG torch would need to perform 2 full rotations (-360 to +360). We sell welding units and have never run into that, and we get into plenty of tight spaces on customer parts. In short, no. The limit is -363 degrees to +363 degrees, but really you should be sticking to ±360, and not even push it those extra 3 degrees.

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