I’m a teacher in a vocational school in Spain. We have a cobot UR3e and we are using the ofline simulator URSim to prepare some tasks in advance to use in the robot and viceversa.
In several programs we are observing odd behaviour in the Wrist3 of the URSim. The think is that sometimes it’s impossible to get the robot to home position to run the program. I discovered that the Wrist 3 in URSim has a lot of rotations, -773094113280.00 so it’s impossible to get the home position for that reason.
If I restart the simulator and load the program from the scratch it started with a normal rotation in Wrist3, but after trying to run the program the Wrist3 value start to change and the problem happens again. ¿Am I doing something wrong? I upload my program in a zip file, a screenshot and I also record a video reproducing the issue.
This seems like a strange bug as opposed to anything you may have done wrong, at least nothing really jumped out at me.
After playing around a bit I was able to correct it by restarting the software so that wrist 3 was close to a position of 0 degrees.
If you havn’t already, you will need to create a safety password to change anything here. You can do that by clicking the 3-line “hamburger” menu in the top right corner, going to Settings>Password>Safety and inputting what you like.
Then before powering up the robot I went into the Installation tab, under the Safety section to Joint Limits. Use the Safety Password to Unlock the screen, then uncheck the box next to “Unrestricted range for Wrist 3.” Click Apply and confirm the various prompts that come up.
From here I did a “Save All” than powered up the robot, I was able to start up the program several times in a row without issue.
I didn’t realize that I can use the join limits for that too. With the restrictited range in the Wrist 3, I can execute the program without issues.
In anycase is good to know that it should be a bug in the simulator and nothing wrong in the way we are loading the program or something, because with the restriction in the Wrist 3 it worked with the same steps that before.