Unable to run external control program through the dashboard server


I’m trying to setup a ROS2 wrapper that can run the robot once the robot has been powered, unlock the brake and load my external_control.urp so that I can drive the robot using ROS. I am able to manually run the external control program through the teach pendant, but when it fails to connect when ran through the dashboard server. I am running the external control program on port 50002 and dashboard server on the default port 29999.

Any thoughts?

Make sure the robot is in remote mode, see page 4:

Hi Fredrik,

I had the teach pendant set to remote mode. Restarted the system and followed the exact same steps - everything works fine now. Unsure as to why.

I recently did something similiar albeit slightly differently; I setup URCap on the URSim then controlled it using the ROS2 UR driver over a network via TCP/IP.

These instructions explained how I did it. Perhaps looking at them may help you do it with a physical cobot.

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