Thank you so much in advance (This is my first UR project so I appreciate your time, patience, and feedback.)
I am having trouble making the movement with the correct TCP and feature.
It seems like I can only get the movement I want manually through the TCP orientation ‘tool’ feature. When I run the program i do not get the same result even though I have selected the correct TCP and feature.
I’ve attached a link which includes:
Video 1 (manually moving the TCP orientation with the desired movement)
Photo of correct TCP and feature selected in desired move)
Video 2 (how the program runs which is not the desired movement)
I don’t think using the Tool feature in this case is correct.
Try using the Base frame and the correct TCP and then rotate around Z-axis of your TCP (your TCP should be the middle of the bottom of the bottle).
Will I be able to teach the Remote TCP without the CAD model for the bottle? Seems like I’ll need a model of the bottle in order to generate a Gcode path which unfortunately I do not have.