Run multiple comands in one line in URScript

Hello, I’m using SocketTest to communicate with a UR3 using port 30001 (primary interface). Individual command sending works perfectly
Captura de pantalla 2024-05-08 132852

but when I try to send a complete URScript program, it does nothing.

comunication guide

I’ve tried multiple ways of writing that program in a single line, and none worked.

I think the issue is that I’m not distinguishing between lines when writing the different commands because when I tested running the same program in a single script on the actual robot, it only executed the first command and ignored the rest.

My question is: Is there any way to write a complete URScript program in a single line of text, to be able to send it through SocketTest?

Thanks, greetings from Spain


Maybe this help you:
What’s the best way to send a whole UR Script to the Robot or to start different scripts on the UR? (

Best regards, Paula.