Greetings! I`m somewhat new to ROS and all my previosu works used cartesian twist/joint speed controllers, so I’m having a bit of trouble understanding what’s going on with this scaled position joint trajectory controller.
To illustrate the situation, I have a joint trajectory described by 500 points, to which I have also calculated the velocity and acceleration profiles I want for the curve.
So I create a FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() which I fill up with JointTrajectortPoint()''s containing position, velocity, acceleration and time_from_start, and send it to the robot.
The issue I’m having is that the resulting speed and acceleration profiles that comes out Desired.Velocities/Accelerations and Actual.Velocities are several times higher than what I’ve sent to the robot.
Though this doesn’t seem to cause issues when I’m requesting a slower trajectory, as I try to push the system closer to its joint speed limit, I hit all sort of tracking issues that usually end in a protective stop.
I’m attaching a picture of the speed/acceleration profiles requested and executed for a slower trajectory, and then for a faster trajectory. The Waypoints are the same in Position, they differ on Velocity, Acceleration, and Time_from_Start.
And for the faster trajectory
Has anyone had or know what could be causing this issue?
Thank you.