Program pauses in Wait


In my project I connected a UR10e to a Siemens PLC via Profinet. In the beginning of the program, I use Wait for input_boolean_register(1). When the boolean is already activated the program continues like I expected.

The problem is when the boolean isn’t activated, the program then pauses and needs to be started by hand.

I want to make a command which continues the program when a bit is activated and waits when the bit isn’t activated.

If you just want this to be checked at the beginning to prevent it from running, I would just use a “Do nothing” loop of sorts. If you want to be able to sort of pause the robot ANYWHERE during it’s program execution as a result of the bit, that’s a little harder.

Which scenario applies here?

I have all of my robots utilizing a wait for input, as their start sequence, and none of them ‘pause’ when the input is off.

do you have your input set up as a pause in the installation file?