Path different from waypoint


I am facing a quite interesting problem with a UR10e cobot having polyscope 5.12

I have written a subprogram which is able to follow a specific trajectory:if i run this subprogram, everything runs smoothly.
If i ask the robot to move to the final waypoint of the path, the robot reaches the correct final waypoint of the movement

Once i add this subprogram to a main program and press on the run command, the robot does not reach the final waypoint and goes directly to the next movement.

Do you have any hints about this behaviour?

Check that you have not done some mixup with the Features in the Move nodes and also that Waypoints under MoveP nodes have a blending radius of 0 if you want it to behave like a MoveL node.

What you are describing looks like a subprogram with a MoveP node that moves the robot to the last position.
As long as the subprogram is run by itself, it’s difficult to notice the imprecision caused by the blending radius, but once another Waypoint is added after it, the blending become more evident.

Let me know if it helped :slight_smile: