Palletizing with Layers - Approach


I am creating a depalletizing routine to unload parts off a table. The parts are in a grid of 12x2 with 5 layers. I would like to make my approach and/or exit points be at the same height above the table no matter what layer it is.

Say my parts are 1 inch tall. On layer 5 I want to exit 1 inch above the part, and on layer 1 I want to go to that same exit height which would be 6 inches above layer 1 part.

I assume there’s a feature I need to create relative to my reference point at a fixed Z? Thanks

Hi @cedminster,
you could simply define an approach function like this:

target_height = 0.5

def approach(pose):
    pose[2] = target_height

2024-03-23 09-27-01

Same approach as Robpod, but done in Polyscope:

You copy each variable of the position array (Pick) to a new variable (ExitV) except for the Z coordinate, which you can set to the height you want. :slight_smile: