Moving from pos 1 to pos 2 using a different feature plane

Hi Everyone,
I’m having a problem with moving my UR10e robot from pos1 to pos2 using a feature plane I made under installation named Plane2.
Ideally what it should do is move from the home position to pos 1 with respect to base, then move from pos1 to pos 2 with respect to Plane2. However, even after I perform the pose_trans() function, the robot still moves with respect to base. This results with the robot going nowhere near pose 2. I am attaching what my script says here. Any advice would be great.

plane2 = p[0.53720, -0.81990, 0.01926, 0.001, 0.000, 0.783]
pos2 = pos1
pos2_transform = pose_trans(pose_inv(plane2), pos2)
pos2_transform[0] = pos2_transform[0] +0.01248
pos2_transform[1] = pos2_transform[1] + 0.18872
movel(pos2_transform, a = 1.0, v = 0.1, r = 0)

Thank you!

Hi @ddonn,
I think no pose_inv is needed:

2024-06-19 18-23-25

I used pose_inv to get the correct position in Plane 2 just to compare with the values I wrote down originally. I then had a popup that told me the value. I did take it out and try it without it however I still get the same problem. The robot moves somewhere that is completely different than pos2.

is the idea that pos2_transform is specified as a position whose coordinates are relative to plane2? If that’s the case then you should edit your final line to be:

movel(pose_trans(pos2_transform, a = 1.0, v = 0.1, r = 0))

The pose_inv line will indeed convert pos2 from being specified relative to base, to be relative to plane2, so keeping it relative to plane 2 will mean you’ll need to move relative to plane 2 once you run your movel() too.

I actually figured out a solution which makes more sense to me. I wrote the origin point using plane 2, added the offsets, and then used pose_trans to turn them into base coordinates and that seems to work.
Thank you for all the help!