Modbus signal "xxxx"returned exception code 3

Hi everyone, i’m currently using the ursim10 5.11 on the starter package opened on VMware virtual machine in order to learn how to use the scripts linked to the modbus communication.
The connection between Codesys(slave) and ursim10 on the virtual machine(master) is currently working and in order to make some tests on modbus communication, like setting and resetting some coils, I wrote a simple script that adds a new output signal,its update frequency and a simple task that sets at True this coil, sleep 2 seconds and then resets the same coil to false, and finally sleeps another 2 seconds, cyclically.
Everything was working fine, no errors displayed on the screen even on the codesys side (the variable was actually monitored blinking from 1 to 0).
Today I re-run the same exact code and the compiler on the ursim10 side displayed me this error: “modbus signal “name of the singal” returned exception code 3”.
What do I have to do? I would like to add that I have already tried to write it again from the scratch, but it still keep showing me this error.