Modbus basic connection to simulator

Hi All,
I am trying to test the Modbus communication with our UR10 in a bare minimum setup first but I have not been able to yes. Here is what I have tried so far:

  • Connected the robot and a pc to the same switch
  • Run open mod sim on the PC and connect it. I open the coil status window which by default shows all coils are set to 0
  • I turn off firewall and use another computer to make sure I can ping the PC
  • On UR teach pendant I add a new modbus unit with IP of the PC
  • I add a digital output signal to this unit
  • I create a simple program which sets that digital output to High
  • I run the program expecting to see the value at coil 00001 to change from 0 to 1 but I see no change
  • After about a minute I see the following error message (please see screenshot attached) which refers to code 0 but I am unable to find what code 0 means

Could anyone help me troubleshoot this or give me suggestions on how to create a minimal Modbus setup to test?

Thank you!