Maximum Axis Speed/Acceleration

I am developing a URCap which generates custom motion profiles which run on the UR10e (URCap script generates a series of servoj commands to make custom robot paths).

However, right now the only feedback I have on if the robot is capable of running a profile or not is if the robot faults or the robot jerks to catch up.

Are there any documented maximum axis speeds and accelerations (jerk?) for each motor (I am currently using the UR10e specifically, but may use others at some point)? If I had those I could evaluate my motion profile in the URCap to have an idea if it will properly run without having to physically test.

We generally advise that moveJ accelerations should be less than 800deg/sec^2 and moveL accelerations < 2500mm/sec^2. However, the jerk you are seeing might be caused by other factors. It is generally a very bad idea to drip feed individual servoj commands to the robot over the client interfaces, there is potential to starve the controller for trajectory data or send it too soon. So IF you ARE doing this then I would look for a different solution. If you are still unsure about proper use of servoj I suggest searching the forum and seeing what others have learned. Here is a good place to start : Usage of servoj

That is not what I am doing.

I am generating a full profile of servoj instructions within the generateScript function of a URCap. There is not a risk of a client interface leaving the robot hanging. The URCap operates just fine for the task which required us to essentially rewrite the path interpolation functions from scratch.

The question asked is not about a show stopping issue, it is about enhancing the functionality so when clients ask us about maximum speeds and accerlations we can give them salient answers.

Returning back to my original question, is there any information about the maximum speeds/accelerations of each individual axis (I highly doubt this is uniform across all motors)?

Hi @daniel1

You have already received some recommendation by @bba. When it comes to the acceleration limit it is dependent on the payload(mass, center of gravity and inertia) and the actual joint positions. So I have compiled tables with the maximum Torque and speed for the different robot models:


Joint Max Torque Max Speed
Base 56 Nm 180°/s
Shoulder 56 Nm 180°/s
Elbow 28 Nm 180°/s
Wrist 1 12 Nm 360°/s
Wrist 2 12 Nm 360°/s
Wrist3 12 Nm 360°/s


Joint Max Torque Max Speed
Base 150 Nm 180°/s
Shoulder 150 Nm 180°/s
Elbow 150 Nm 180°/s
Wrist 1 28 Nm 180°/s
Wrist 2 28 Nm 180°/s
Wrist3 28 Nm 180°/s

UR10e / UR16e

Joint Max Torque Max Speed
Base 330 Nm 120°/s
Shoulder 330 Nm 120°/s
Elbow 150 Nm 180°/s
Wrist 1 56 Nm 180°/s
Wrist 2 56 Nm 180°/s
Wrist3 56 Nm 180°/s

UR20 / UR30

Joint Max Torque Max Speed
Base 738 Nm 120°/s
Shoulder 738 Nm 120°/s
Elbow 430 Nm 150°/s
Wrist 1 107 Nm 210°/s
Wrist 2 107 Nm 210°/s
Wrist3 107 Nm 210°/s

You can do a lot of evaluation of your generated trajectory and the servoj parameters in the simulated environment. By monitoring the difference between the target pose and the actual pose.



Thanks Ebbe!

This is very helpful!

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