Changing UR Robot Max Rated Axis Rotation Velocity

Greating everyone,

Currently I’m struggling with the safety Maximum axis velocity for MoveJ movements. Basically I’m trying to reach an Axis-1 rotation speed of 360º/s, but the safety cap is around 180º/s, which is enough for my current application, but may become way to slow for future process enhancements.

I’ve been trying to modify the safety.conf file to “try” to change the default Maximum speed, without success, so, my questions are:

  1. Is it possible to change an axys Maximum safety speed, even ever so slightly (around 20% speed gain), even if it may be outside safety specifications (My current project is acting like an standard robot type, with surrounding protection due to safety regulations), or it’s beyond the robots capabilities?

  2. It seems using MoveC would solve the issue, but I’m not sure if using m/s parameters can surpass the axis maximum rotation speed, and since my robot’s enclosure is really tight, it seems more rational to rotate1 axis value than using 2 points to create an arch movement with the same results. Either way, it’s possible to break the radial maximum rated speed with MoveC or it will still be bound by the maximum rotation velocity?

  3. In the safety.conf file it says there’s a checksum to avoid differences between configuration an actual robot safety values. I tried following the same guide of the battery supply, updating the safety.conf file and using the to change the checksum, but without success. This procedure is right, or there’s another script to update the safety.conf?

Hello @mlpassarinho

The robots safety setting shall only be adjusted through the correspondent ways in Polyscope. UR does not support or encourage any other way of defining the safety setting for UR Robots.
