Linear Insertion Force Move (glitching since Robotiq force copilot upgrade...)

Hi Folks,

I was wondering if anybody else using the Robotiq Force Copilot has experienced any glitching using linear insertion moves. We were using a ~2020/2021 version of the force copilot URCap and recently upgraded to the latest version after having to replace a failed wrist joint. Since then, randomly, we occasionally have the Robot think it has completed the linear insertion force move and move on to the next program node (in our case, clamping the chuck jaws)… in reality it was nowhere near finished with the linear insertion and wasn’t touching the jaws yet.

I am having a great deal of difficulty replicating it – some days we can go a few days without a glitch, some days we have a glitch every 15 cycles (this varies).

In the Robotiq Force Move we have the option checked for it to wait for a steady state reading before proceeding. I’m stumped.

Thanks for any help or advice!