I am a student who is very novice in working with robots. The task I want to design is a simple pick and place I programmed it with an e-series but it has not run since I received the error that the robot should be positioned in the first location. So, I decided to use the software for making a nice loop of the pick and place task and now I have two questions.
Do I need software for programming the pick and place task? Is there any way to skip that error for placing the robot in the first position/movement without a remote control?
If I understand it correctly, I can use RTDE, URsim, ROS2 for running and programming the robot (I have UR5). I was trying to install URsim and ROSS2 on Mac which were futile. Which one is the best option for addressing the first issue and is compatible with pick and place tasks?
Mostly I am a Mac user but I have access to Windows (10) too.
I appreciate it if you could share your experiences with me.
The “Move to first position” is a standard part of the robots operating system - it is done to make sure that the robto is started from a safe position when the program is run. If the robot was inside an expensive machine when the program was run for example, it could crash through the machine and cause serious damage.
If you do want to prevent it from happening however, if the first waypoint in the program is variable rather than fixed, the robot has no “fixed” start position, and will automove to variable waypoint and won’t need prompting to move to the first position. Just remember to make sure the robot doesn’t crash into anything when you run your program.
URSim is just a virtual simulation of Polyscope - the robots operating system, it is useful for creating template programs and for URCap development, insutruction on how to install it if you want to play around with polyscope without a reral robot, installation instructions can be found online. You can write programs there and then transfer them to your real robot if you’d like.
The RTDE is used by external equipment such as PLCs to fetch robot information, such as tool position, IO states, rather than to “program” it…
I’m afraid I have no experience in ROS and how it works, nevertheless, I hope this is helpful.
Thank you for your response to my question and sorry for my late reply I did not have access to the robot to try it.
The robot is in a spacious lab and it is not crashing into any other devices. I tried your suggestion and changed the first waypoint to the relative position. Thank you!
Thank you for giving me a brighter view of URSim and Polyscope!
Just for future reference (others who might read this) after setting the relative position, I received a protective error that this post (this link) helped me in solving it.