How to move the ur3e with ros2 after i installed everything

(I would like to preface this by saying we’re new but at the same time we’ve tried making this ur3e work with ros2 for a few weeks.)

Hey all, we gave up on the Moveit extention for the ros-humble-ur binary package we installed, and we want to see our robot (ur3e) physically move. in the guide that is given in github, they recommend that we run this command: (specifically for our robot)

ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_type:=ur3e robot_ip:= launch_rviz:=false

which works well, and after that we enable the external control from the teach pendant. which also signals to us from the terminal when we ran the ur_robot_driver that the connection is established. with ros2 topic list we see these topics:


now, when subscribing to the /joint_states topic, the positions of my robot(physically, in the lab) are these:


  • shoulder_lift_joint
  • elbow_joint
  • wrist_1_joint
  • wrist_2_joint
  • wrist_3_joint
  • shoulder_pan_joint
  •  -1.820538183251852
  •  -0.9140301942825317
  •  -1.9646245441832484
  • 1.6723852157592773
  •  -3.0138044993029993
  •   -1.3477075735675257

additionaly in the github, they recommended we run this command just to see the robot move in the real world through ros:

ros2 launch ur_robot_driver

which works just fine, and the robot does move in the real world according to the positions in recieves from that yaml file.

HOWEVER, they say the following right after: “In case you want to write your own ROS node to move the robot, there is an example python node included that you can use as a start.”

ros2 run ur_robot_driver

this right here above this line is supposed to be a thing, but it isnt. i dont have a file in my system called “” and therefore the above command does not execute. can anyone help me in creating a node/script like what is supposed to be above for my own needs?

ADDITIONALY, i extracted the calibration yaml file from my robot as they recommend in the github page, but i dont know what to do with it, do you use it when you start up the robot with the ur_robot_driver?

sorry for the long post guys, but we’re kinda lost right now and really need some help as there is no one in our area who can help us…
thanks a lot in advance!