Just as acceleration is the rate of change (derivative) of velocity, jerk is the rate of change of acceleration. In other words, jerk is the rate at which acceleration is increasing or decreasing. Jerk is generally undesirable because it creates abrupt, jerky motion.
So the question is: How can I control jerk–the rate of change of acceleration when accelerating from Point-A and decelerating to a stop at Point-B? The result will limit settling time at Point-B, increase precision when arriving at Point-B, and with a smooth motion profile it will decrease wear on the robot from vibration.
I hope someone from UR will see this and chime in. I have written the attached code jerk-1.1.script (9.9 KB)
as a .script in the controller using ChatGPT. The beginning section is normal motion and works fine, but as soon as the servo motion happens, the robot starts whining and jerking and then ends in a protective stop. Servoj seems to have so much potential, but for my life, I can’t get it to work.