Help Initializing a Joint on a CB2

I have an old UR5 CB2 with the last update available. It sat in storage for about 6 months, and now the base joint won’t initialize. All it does is rotate back and forth when you press the Auto button.

I was told by a coworker that zeroing out the joint might fix it, but I’m not sure how to do that on a CB2.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Too lazy to pull up CB2 documents, but does that version let you hold down the RUN tab for a few seconds before the tech screen shows up? (Password “lightbot”)

It does not. I even hooked a computer mouse up to it just to make sure, and nothing happens

I found this in UR Downloads. Any help?

And this


That was exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately, the base joint still won’t initialize, so its back to the drawing board