Get_inverse_kin_has_solution returns wrong result

I found strange behavior of Offline Simulator v5.14.5 of UR5e.
get_inverse_kin_has_solution returns wrong result at 2nd play.

This URScript is a very simple 1 line code of get_inverse_kin_has_solution.
It returns True at first play, but returns False at 2nd play.

textmsg(get_inverse_kin_has_solution(p[0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

If the pose parameter is changed, it works correctly only at first play.
Is this a bug?

(When you check the behavior, don’t forget to uncheck ‘Program Loops Forever’ to avoid infinite loop)

I received a reply from the support team.
According to the support team, the best way to avoid this issue is not to call get_inverse_kin_has_solution twice with the same pose.
I think the issue will be resolved in a future release.