I have a weird problem I can’t explain.
I have a PC connected to a UR3e controller and I send URSript through the primary interface to control it.
I created a small UI to be able to move the robot either using freedrive which works wonder, or by sending some small programs to position my robot precisely.
I used the Polyscope arrows interface as a reference, so I created some buttons to move the robot in the base coordinate system.
When I try to move along the XYZ axis, I have no problem. The only command in my program is a movel:
movel(pose_add(get_forward_kin(), p[0.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), a=1, v=0.2) # Works perfectly
This works perfecly, but when I try to rotate around the XYZ axis, it works for X and Y but Z freezes the program. The program stays running forever and I can’t stop it through the dashboard server or anything else. I can’t send anything using the primary interface too. The urscript used is:
movel(pose_add(get_forward_kin(), p[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010]), a=1, v=0.2) # Freezes the robot in RUNNING
In my understanding of things, this should rotate the orientation of the TCP around the Z axis (base coordinate system), and keep the position of the TCP fixed.
Does someone have an idea about what is going on? When I check the logs, I have the program started line, but nothing under it, and I have to reboot the robot to make it function properly again.
Just to be clear, I always send the command in a small program looking like that:
def prg():