could using force from base or any other point instead of tool keep it in the same direction? or perhaps turning force off and starting it again after the rotation, but that would depend on the situation.
Thanks to awnser me, my application need to make the rotation with 0 variation of speed. So i cant stop and restart the rotation to actualise the new position.
I apply my force on the base function with the same logic as you have, base never change during the rotation so that will keep the direction of the force in the same direction but thats not hapen.
I think, when i start my force mode, the robot take the position of all axes from the base function and its not actualise during the rotation… Thats probably why my force change in 4 directions during the rotation.
I have not been using UR for long, sorry, I don’t know how to fix this problem. You could try using different points for the force, just to see if it has any impact, or perhaps some other more experienced user can help you.