Force Data - Python in remote Control

Hello there,

For University I´m writing a Pythonscript for controlling the UR and use the Force Data.
The UR5e is in remote control and connected to a Laptop via Lan.

I´m using the ur rtde Framework: Universal Robots RTDE C++ Interface — ur_rtde 1.5.5 documentation
There are plenty of option where i get Data from the robot, sadly the Force Data is not working propably (the API Function: std::vector getActualTCPForce() Return: Generalized forces in the TCP shows all the time a const. Value, even in a motion).

So i had the idea of writing a function that give me the data. My biggest Problem is that i know how to establish a socket communication, when a Program is running and getting the data there. But i have no expierence in the remote control mode

is there a easy and fast solution for a python function, that can give me the TCP Force Data of the UR, when it is in Remote Control?

Thanks for any light you can shine on this.