I am having a little issue with the features.
My goal is to repeat the same pattern in different locations, hence the use of features.
I have tried the following methods:
I have set a feature_1, then i have assigned some waypoints to the movel. Then in order to change feature_1 to its new location, i have simply modified it. The program works correctly and sets the previously waypoints in their new location.
I set a feature_1 and i have taken some moveL with respect to this proposed feature_1. then i have set a feature_2 and i have changed the previously assigned moveL to the new feature_2. this procedure works fine.
I am a bit tired of changing each time the feature name inside the moveL menu, so i came up with this idea:
I have set a generic_feature_point as support variable. i have assigned this support variable to each moveL
I have set an assignment at the beginning of my robot program having the following form : generic_feature_point = feature. In this way i should be able to assign my reference plane just at the beginning.
This support variable procedure does not work completely:
If i start my robot program from the assignment line, the robot goes to a fuzzy position
If i start my robot program from the moveL, the plane gets changed and the program runs normally.
Does someone have some ideas about this behavior?
Thank you for you advice and cooperation