Extracting Fx, Fy...Tx, Ty values from OptoForce (Hex Force Torque) Sensor


I’m trying to extract the Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty and Tz values measured by the OptoForce sensor during a Hand Guided operation, over RTDE.

I understand that there are a specific set of data fields available through the RTDE interface (to specify in the xml file), but not sure which one would be able to give me the values of the above mentioned variables since (correct me if I’m wrong) they only come with the OptoForce plugin and not the standard UR library.

Hope to seek some advice, or any other alternatives that can help with this.

Thank you!

My only idea is to write a thread, that continously updates the output float registers. These can be accessed via RTDE.

Thanks! Tried that, but script stopped running when the OptoForce’s hand-guidance teaching mode was enabled.

The question is probably more related to OnRobot directly (fka. Optoforce).

The question is probably more related to OnRobot directly (fka. Optoforce).