Greetings. I want to control a UR with ROS2 Humble using the external_control
URCap. This works well, including MoveIt and Pilz Industrial Motion planner. There is also a gripper mounted on the UR, which is a OnRobot RG6 V1.0 gripper. I’ve got the URCap for the gripper which also works fine from the control panel.
In order to get control over gripper from ROS2 I’ve created a little URCap including a URScript which demands a XML-RPC connection to one of my ROS nodes. This is also working as intended, I can open and close the gripper with all parameters provided by OnRobots URCap.
If I try to use external_control
to control the robot via ROS and my URCap is running, then I am not able to control the robot anymore. My URCap consist only of a single of each InstallationNodeContribution
, InstallationNodeService
and InstallationNodeView
. Like in external_control
these are only used to load a custom URScript snipped into the robot program.
The URScript snipped:
# Constants
xmlrpc_rg6_ip = {{IP_ADDRESS}}
xmlrpc_rg6_port = {{PORT_NO}}
xmlrpc_rg6_keepalive = True
textmsg("RG6 Gripper Control: Starting XML-RPC Server for RG6 Gripper control")
xmlrpc_rg6_conn = rpc_factory("xmlrpc", "http://" + xmlrpc_rg6_ip + ":" + xmlrpc_rg6_port + "/RPC2")
thread gripperThread():
textmsg("RG6 Gripper Control: Start thread")
while True:
global xmlrpc_rg6_keepalive = xmlrpc_rg6_conn.getKeepAlive()
if xmlrpc_rg6_keepalive == False:
local xmlrpc_rg6_width = xmlrpc_rg6_conn.getWidth()
local xmlrpc_rg6_force = xmlrpc_rg6_conn.getForce()
local xmlrpc_rg6_dcompensation = xmlrpc_rg6_conn.getDepthCompensation()
local xmlrpc_rg6_payload = xmlrpc_rg6_conn.getPayload()
if xmlrpc_rg6_payload >= 0.0:
local xmlrpc_rg6_spayload = False
local xmlrpc_rg6_spayload = True
# This command is only available if OnRobot URCap (RG - OnRobot v1.10.1) is installed
RG6(target_width = xmlrpc_rg6_width, target_force = xmlrpc_rg6_force, payload = xmlrpc_rg6_payload, set_payload = xmlrpc_rg6_spayload, depth_compensation = xmlrpc_rg6_dcompensation)
textmsg("RG6 Gripper Control: Stop thread")
return False
if xmlrpc_rg6_keepalive:
global xmlrpc_rg6_thread = run gripperThread()
join xmlrpc_rg6_thread
textmsg("RG6 Gripper Control: XML-RPC Server for RG6 Gripper control stopped")
In RViz I can see the robot, its current pose, plan and execute the planned path. The ros2_control
controller returns execution succeeded after ordering path execution.
What is the problem? Is my snipped blocking the external_control execution?