Dashboard server commands provide the possibility to control the robot from a remote controller like PC, PLC etc
we have been working with the Firmware version 5.8.x. all the dashboard server commands have been working and now after update of the firmware to 5.9.x the dashboard server commands have stopped working except for the folliwng two
get serial number
get robot model
we also checked the logs for the dashboard related errors. but nothing was to be seen related to dashboard
does anyone have an idea. what the reason could be behind this error. has anything changed in the command syntax etc.
Just to check, is the behaviour different with remote control mode on or off? Also, I don’t know if this is important but the 5.8->5.9 upgrade resets a bunch of linux stuff. Has it messed with your network settings?
Glad to hear you got it working. I just looked back on some legacy code and it looks like sending the string ‘play\n’ has always worked over the python socket library since at least 5.1. Just out of curiosity, what were you sending it with? Some graphic interfaces don’t really specify exactly what they are sending but they usually add on their own \n.
Buenas tengo una aplicación similar y la suya, el firmware del robot es la 5.12 y el plc es un s7-1217 versión 4.5 no soy capaz de recibir del robot el programa que tiene cargado el robot con el comando $Lget loaded program$L que escribo en un puntero.
Utilizo los bloques TSEND_C Y TRCV_C para enviar y recibir los paquetes. ¿En su proyecto con el S7-1500 utiliza los mismos bloques?
Primero envío con TSEND $Lget loaded program$L y 200ms después activo TRCV_C me contesta en una matriz de char que la conexión con Universal Robot es ok pero dont understand.
He visto que el bloque TRCV en los 1200 se puede usar con la versión 4.0 yo tengo la 4.5 no creo que me conteste que estoy conectado al robot correctamente y no pueda enviarme la respuesta del programa.urp que tiene cargado.
Alguna idea