Creating new lines with strings

Thank you!! Formatting the string with html solved my needs.

As for a yes/no popup, the only popups available URScript are those shown in the popup() command I used to demonstrate this. You will have to code your own if you want some yes/no functionality

Actually this is not true. The popup() is the only command published in the script manual, but there are additional commands to do the float, integer, string, or boolean options that are not published. If you create these operator inputs with polyscope and run the program, you can view the compiled program script. If you hook up a keyboard, CTRL+ALT+F1 (or CTRL+ALT+F7 for simulator) (u: root, p: easybot), cd to /programs or where you saved your files, you can run the following command to view the compiled script:
nano filename.script

my_variable = request_boolean_from_primary_client(“Width: 20 inches
Height: 10 inches
Would you like to continue with these settings?<\html>”)

… produces this:

the other commands are:
returnVar = request_float_from_primary_client(“description string”)
returnVar = request_integer_from_primary_client(“description string”)
returnVar = request_string_from_primary_client(“description string”)