Comunication Socket with Rockwell

Hello, I am doing a Rockwell L 36 plc configuration and a UR10, I am creating an MSG to close popup but I don’t know what are the values ​​instance, service code, class and attribute, does anyone know which value to put?

Hi Tiago,
To handle the popups in Polyscope you can access the Dashboard server:
If you need to do it from the URScript, there is an example here:

I have a rockwell PLC that I am using. I have the EDS installed along with the ethernet module. Where can I find a .csv file for the Tag descriptions? TIA

I am also trying to communicate with the dashboard server from a Rockwell PLC. Is there any example code for this situation?
Thank you, Terry

Hello Terry.

Send me an e-mail and I will provide you with the code I created.
